Friday, November 14, 2008

A New Beginning. . .

I used to have a journal (now known as blogs on I started it back in 2003. . . It was before I was married and shortly after I was diagnosed with cancer. I wrote in it a couple of times during law school, but barely. Now I know a few people on this blog and was inspired to start one, though I know very few will read it.

I think it is a nice place to keep those near and far in the know. Though most people I keep up with on here have children, and we don't yet, I figure why wait til then to start one? So, here is my new beginning on a new blog/journal.


Denise said...

Oh, yeah! Blogging really is the way to go if you want to keep your personal history. (You have to have a journal, too, that you can burn. There has to be a place to write when your thoughts aren't for public viewing :) )

I'm excited to see what you guys are up to and to learn more about you. I had no idea that you had Cancer. (I'm hoping it is in the past?)

Thanks for the congrats!

Adi Castillo Misigoy said...

Thankfully the cancer is now officially in the past! I got my 5 year all clear last month!! It is the main reason Dennis and I were waiting on starting a family, but I am certified Cancer free now!! We'll see what the future will bring!